Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Policies and Procedures for Promoting Positive Behaviour

Policies and procedures for promoting appointed deportment polity/procedure Summary Self think of Valuing each pip-squeaks several(prenominal)ity, believe that youngsterren are capable of making choices, judge responsibility and acting accordingly, behaviour insurance policy Providing opportunities for success, Viewing success in term of personal progression rather than macrocosm in competition with others, Praising achievements, Promoting the borrowing of others, Clearly demonstrating that we value their body of invent, Building into the com come outer program activities which develop the frys tycoon to express his/her feelings, through the sharing circle, co-operative games and Drama. sensible environment Attractive, comfortable well-resourced and well managed distinguishrooms, Displays of childrens work to show it is utmostly valued, tidy up and accessible resources demonstrate that children are certain to org anise themselves for work and that they roll in the hay how to accustom and care for things. Classroom management treat on essential be matched to their ability so that success is possible for all, Children must know what they are doing and why, Classroom rules are devised by children themselves to ensure standards of behaviour, Rules should be few in number, prominently displayed and referred to often, We must set high standards, praise quickly and consistently sounding out for and rewarding good behaviour, We must be firm, fair and supportive, Know children as individuals, to be active get winders, to refer to the behaviour rather than the child, Be polite to everyone work out of conduct Talk quietly and listen carefully Always tell the truth Treat others as you would wish them to administer you Be patient and wait your yield Rewards and sanctions House points The children can earn provide points for- Quality of work Good Behaviour An excellent piece of work macrocosm polite, etc. An improving piece of work Dinner Supervisors Stickers Dinner supervisors can introduce stickers for good behaviour during lunchtime. Barney Stickers This is Crooksbarn Schools main method of rewarding positive behaviour. It is used by the class instructor throughout the school and indicates excellent standards of work and/or behaviour by a child. Only 1 may be awarded each day, the children can wear them for 1 day then they are transferred to a collecting chart displayed in the classroom.Once the child has succeeded in gaining 3 Barnies he/she is awarded a Head Teachers Barney that is presented by the Head Teacher at the consentient school assembly on Monday Mornings. An surplus award is given out by the Head Teacher to whatsoever child who has gained 9 Barnies during the course of the school socio-economic class Get rid of anyone not involved in the skirmish as effect thrives on witnesses. Dont put yourself at risk, alert colleagues, enlist their help. transaction with conflict and inappropriate behaviour Asses a situation first. Be calm, dont take it personally. Use verbal preventive first. It may be worse to wreak another person to a battalion situation, if it cannot be sorted out and the conflict/inappropriate behaviour goes out of your take call another member of ply and in the worse case scenario call the police. Positively encourage the caring and nurturing case of children whilst openly and actively discourage strong-arm Work for a caring, cooperative ethos (home corner, paired, assemblage work etc. ) Anti-bullying Discuss friendships this should be covered through PSHE and citizenship scheme of work. However, children should win regular reminders of this. Ensure adequate watchfulness in playgrounds. Value and encourage macrocosm different and having high self-esteem. Helpi ng to reach a pattern of regular attention is everybodys responsibility, parents, pupils and all members of school staff, attending To help us focus on this we will report to arents/carers annually on their childs attendance with the annual school report, Contact the parent/carer if their childs attendance falls downstairs the schools target for attendance, stay fresh good attendance by displaying individual and class achievements, Reward good or improving attendance through class competitions, certificates and outings/events. Every half-day absence from school has to be classified by the school (not the parents), as either AUTHORISED or UNAUTHORISED.This is why information about the cause of any absence is always required, Any periods of date taken without the agreement of the school, or in excess of that agreed, will be classed as unauthorised and may attract sanctions much(prenominal) as a Penalty Notice. The stripped level of attendance for any child at Crooksbarn School is 90% attendance

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